Finding Stud in Plaster Wall easy with these tips
Finding studs in plaster wall is a difficult process. The first thing you need to consider before you begin is whether the wall will have a smooth surface or it is made up of many layers. If it is made up of many different types of surfaces you should use some sort of marking compound on the wall and begin to find the studs.
This process of finding stud in plaster wall should be done carefully. So that any imperfections do not mar your work. In some cases, you may need to make changes to your plaster before you can find the studs.

If you plan to build a wooden frame for your wall, you need to find a stud in the plaster wall before you begin. Finding stud in plaster wall you need to find the ends of the plasters.
Those are attached to the wall and place your cursor over the end that you find. Right-click your mouse and select “view” so that you have a preview of what you are about to do.
Right-click again and choose “cut” so that you can remove the portion of plasterboard that you need.
Once you have found the stud you need to use some sort of wood glue to attach it to the wall.
Be sure to anchor the Stud to the wall surface. You can do this by using a dryer tube or by cementing it into the wall. Once you have the stud firmly attached to the wall, you can begin to paint the wall.
If you are not comfortable with doing the painting yourself then you should contact a plasterer. They usually do a great job and they do it well within the time frame that you want. If you want a really nice finish then there are contractors who will be able to do a stucco coating over your plasterboard.
This will give it a very nice glossy look.
You will find that once you have painted the wall you need to sand it down. The best way to go about this is to find a friend that has experience in this. Have them look at your wall along with you to see how you liked it. Do not make any changes unless you have been satisfied with the results.
Once you are happy with the results, you can go ahead and put up the trim that will surround your new Plasterboard.
A pastor in Home improvement will be able to show you where your stud is located.
If you can't find the stud then they may even be able to help you determine where it should be placed. Once you have the plasterer on your side you are going to have an easy time finishing your walls. They will be able to handle almost any project that you throw at them.
If you find that your walls are too dry then you should definitely get a plasterer to help you finish the walls. If you have had them do a lot of remodels then you know that they can finish off the walls.
There are many different finishes that can be used, so it does not matter what kind of finish you want on the wall. Make sure that when you pick a finish you go with one that can withstand water.
Remember that finishing plaster on your wall can be easy if you have a plaster.
You should not have to work too hard when putting the plastering on your wall. Make sure that you ask the plasterer questions to ensure that you are happy with the job that they are doing. Once the wall is finished you will have a beautiful new wall.