
Leadsleap Review: The Untold Truth about Leadsleap 4.0

In this LeadsLeap review, we'll teach how you can drive real visitors to your site. Leadsleap.com was founded by Kenneth Koh and is a highly suggested affiliate marketing tool.

We've used the service, LeadsLeap, for around three months at this point.

It's one of the main ways to get people to our website.

With the launch of LeadsLeap 4.0 legit business, this is the right moment to release the LeadsLeap review.

This could be the most comprehensive guide to LeadsLeap that you'll ever come across.

Let's dive into the Leadsleap review!

LeadsLeap is a lead generation tool, i.e., an application that can aid you in bringing more people to your site or your affiliate advertising promotions.

YouTube video

<-[?Please be aware YOU Will NOT Need a Credit Card to sign up Free Forever]

LeadsLeap is a five-part advertising network service.

leadsleap review

The components work in tandem to provide you with visitors:

  • Free Advertising
  • Free Marketing Tools
  • Exponential Lead Generation Platform
  • Revenue Sharing
  • product reviews
    upload ebook reports etc

Leadsleap provides FREE Advertising even for free members.

The first thing you'll do after signing up for LeadsLeap is to create your free advertisement.

It's a simple advertisement that is text with a hyperlink that will take you to your offer.

The ad will appear within the LeadsLeap members' area, the LeadsLeap blog, and throughout more than 4,000 websites run by the members of LeadsLeap.

The advertising platform is based on a credit system. So to be able to display your advertisement, you must click on other users' ads to get credits.

This is why it could cost you $0.

There is a “free member' Link” column in the Members' Area. Click on the links to earn credits! There are also links to click inside the LeadsLeap newsletter.

Credits are a great way to display your offer or transform the credits into money. You must be able to accumulate at least 50 credits. These credits earn you roughly $0.10.

If you own a website, you may place the LeadsLeap widget on it. The device will display advertisements of other members on your site. In addition, you'll be credited for the click when someone clicks the widget's link!

If your website is getting an amount of real human traffic, you receive credits on autopilot.

There is no need to click!

Of course, you can click on advertisements to earn more credits.

Free Advertising Tools – Free member

  • Email Marketing Tool (Sendsteed Autoresponder)
  • Link Tracker
  • Squeeze page builder
  • Funnel Builder
  • Form And popup Builder
  • Traffic exchange

LeadsLeap provides four simple yet highly efficient marketing tools created by professional Internet marketers.

Leadsleap gives a free member a way to advertise their business through traffic exchange.
So I hope you like this Leadsleap review of every tool they include in the leadsleap review.

How to use Leadsleap?

#1: Email Marketing feature With Sendsteed

listmanager leadsleap

It's an all-inclusive autoresponder program, and a sister company of Leadsleap called Sendsteed.

There is no need for a monthly cost or to build your list! You can broadcast your list anytime you want.

The most important thing to remember about these tools is that they're free (although certain features are only available to Pro Members).

Generating leads is one of the most important things you can do in yours.

Generating leads helps to establish a relationship between the company and its prospective customers.

Email is still an innovative and effective way to get leads. Email lead collection is an essential part of email promotion because it helps you gather information from prospects and send them personalized messages about your company's latest updates and promotions.

Also known as SendSteed, this might be your most essential list management service.

The email autoresponder is called SendSteed and lets you:

  • Grow your list
  • Create your marketing promotion
  • Send out emails regularly (Pro users only)
  • Send emails to several lists at once
  • Keep track of the open rates of your emails
  • Check the rate of click-through on the URLs within each email

In short, you can accomplish everything that other autoresponders can.

#2: Link Tracker

To Use the link tracker you need to click on left hand site linktracker tab.

leadsleap link tracker

Every severe marketer can only do with link tracking to pinpoint the reason for the clicks on their sites; mainly, if those clicks result in opt-ins or sales for their business, it's good to have tracked the source of a deal.

That's precisely the function that LeadsLeap's Link Tracker permits users to do. This might be the most beneficial tool as other services charge much more.

Each link will be able to view:

  • The number of clicks this link received (per day and over a seven-day time frame)
  • The number of clicks has the link received?
  • What number of “real” clicks does the link receive? By “real” clicks refer to clicks that led to the duration of a visit to more than one second (visits shorter than 1 second are often bot-generated)

By putting the number on the confirmation page, you'll determine if your visit led to an action (filling in a form, for instance)

If you're looking for more information, then you can refer to the consolidated statistics, which will provide you with information on the time of every visit, the origin of the traffic, and the nation of birth of your visitors.

Set up Rotator

To use the rotator you need to click below the link tracker tab and you will see the rotator.

leadsleap rotator setup

#3: Page Builder

leadsleap pagebuilder

LeadsLeap also offers a page builder that allows users to create and customize landing pages, sales pages, and other types of web pages. The page builder is designed to be user-friendly and requires no coding or technical knowledge to use.

With the LeadsLeap page builder, users can choose from a variety of pre-designed templates or create their own custom designs. The page builder includes a drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to add and edit elements such as text, images, videos, forms, and buttons.

The page builder also includes a variety of features designed to improve conversion rates, such as countdown timers, social proof widgets, and exit popups. These features are designed to encourage visitors to take action, such as making a purchase or submitting their contact information.

You can create landing pages like pro marketers! Select from templates that have been designed, alter the templates to suit your needs, and you'll get the page you want to use in a couple of clicks!

Additionally, the pages built with this system can track their pages with their designs. Therefore, you can benefit from the same information as a link.

Here's an example of the page I built using the Page Builder” Passive Class.”

The topping on the cake is that websites can be integrated into a rotator, which could be displayed randomly using one link.

You can also mix your landing pages and hyperlinks from Link Tracker within the same rotating system.

You can also upload your files or images and host them.

#4: Funnel Manager

It's an expansion of Page Manager. The Funnel Manager lets you group pages you've made within the Page Manager to create a funnel.

In this case, you'll develop an opt-in form, a thank-you page, and finally, a page allowing users to download your software.

Each of these pages will be placed in the same funnel. Each page will be a distinct URL that you can promote.

You can share the funnel with people by using a code that each person only needs to input in their funnel to create every page. This is helpful if you plan to share a funnel with someone in exchange for a membership to your list, for instance.

Tool #5: Form/Popup Creator


This program, known as PopupXpert, can make attractive popup ads encouraging the user to click the link or complete an application.

Then, you can create animations and have them happen based on the user's actions. For example, when the user wants to leave your site.

It is also possible to link the list to one you've already created to get people to sign up for it.

The statistics are included to track how many people have viewed your popup and how many have taken action (clicking the link or filling out the form).

In addition, a cookie generator is included in the application.

It's a simple referral program. It is similar to a similar referral system; when you recommend anyone to LeadsLeap, you will make him your referrer, and you'll be credited every time he clicks on a link to be able to display his advertisements (or you'll receive a fee if he purchases products via LeadsLeap).

However, the difference is that it runs ten levels deep! If this initial person refers someone else, it will also be your referrer (on Level 2).

As you can see, you have to introduce only a handful of people. You will have hundreds of prospects at your disposal!

Please look at the growth of my downline: Level 1 has 430 referrals. However, levels 2-10 have over 22,000 referrals!

The downline is growing automatically: each week, between 20 and 30 new members join the group without me having to do anything!

Leadsleap pro ads

LeadsLeap is an online advertising platform that provides a variety of advertising options to help businesses generate leads and promote their products or services. Two of the main advertising options offered by LeadsLeap are Pro Ads and Credit-Ads.

Pro Ads are a type of advertising offered by LeadsLeap that allows businesses to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. With Pro Ads, businesses can create and display banner ads, text ads, and pop-up ads on the LeadsLeap website, as well as on a network of partner websites.

Pro Ads are designed to be highly targeted and can be configured to display only to users who meet specific criteria, such as their geographic location or interests. Businesses can purchase Pro Ads using credits, which can be earned by participating in the LeadsLeap community or purchased directly.

Leadsleap Free credit ads

Credit Ads, on the other hand, are a type of advertising that allows businesses to earn credits by displaying other members' ads on their own website or blog. By displaying Credit Ads, businesses can earn credits that can be used to display their own Pro Ads to a targeted audience. Credit Ads are a cost-effective way for businesses to generate traffic and promote their products or services without spending money on traditional advertising.

Overall, LeadsLeap's Pro Ads and Credit-Ads are both effective advertising options that can help businesses generate leads and promote their products or services to a targeted audience. The choice between the two options will depend on the business's specific advertising goals and budget.

Leadsleap affiliate program

Here, you will find all the tools you require to advertise LeadsLeap and to invite referrals. Your referrals are also known as Followers. There is an option can be used to track and communicate with them.


The users who have signed up with the affiliate link will also be displayed on this page.

leadsleap followers

You can clearly see in the image above There are two kinds of referrals that you can find on LeadsLeap. The first level (direct referrers) And other levels (referrals by one of your referrers).

The unique thing about LeadsLeap's referral system is that you are able to earn extra credit in exchange for your referrals. In other words, the more referrals receive the greater the chance you'll earn credits and boost traffic to affiliate offers.

You must have at least 20 referrals from your personal network to get 10 levels of these credit cards.

Message Followers

You may also send an email to your followers and point them to your website. 
Additionally, if are able to get more than twenty direct referrals the message you send will get noticed by your 10-levels of fans. Thus, there's an increased chance that more people will click on the website you're promoting.

Affiliate Links & Tools

leadsleap affiliate tools

Find all your affiliate links and other resources here. In addition, you can discover how to market LeadsLeap by using a list, forums, blogs, and traffic exchange networks. In addition, you'll also receive pre-built email swipes to share with your contacts.

In the event that you have already a site, You can also add banners to show them off to your customers. In case you're wondering whether it's possible to do this, the answer is yes. People do click on banners.

Affiliate Traffic Stats

affiliate stats leadsleap

You can track the effectiveness of your affiliate links here. 
Additionally, you can trace the origin. Thus, you'll know the best method for promoting affiliate links.

Free eBooks

After you have used all these features for free You still receive an ebook to market as a lead-generation tool. There are two ebooks that you can promote to your target audience:

Insider Advertising Report

The book was created by Kenneth Koh himself. It is comprised of 17 chapters that will assist you in creating better ads to promote your business online. This is what others have had to say about the book.

One Sign-up A Day

The one of LeadsLeap members, Andre Zunde, wrote this report. He described how he developed a network of more than 22,000 leads with his LeadsLeap system.

There are three ways LeadsLeap distributes its profits to its members:

  • Daily Earnings: 5-10%
  • You must browse more than ten times per day to be eligible. LeadsLeap will take 5 percent of its average earnings and divide the sum by the total amount of credits members have earned before multiplying it by the number of credit points you've made.
  • If you're a Professional Membership, the earnings will be multiplied by two.
  • Weekly Earnings: 15-30%.

LeadsLeap offers rewards to those who refer third-party traffic to LeadsLeap advertisements.

This is accomplished by using the LeadsLeap widget in your blog or website and sending the traffic through The Real Tracker.

Weekly earnings are based on LeadsLeap's typical weekly income for the past four weeks and the number of visitors that users bring in during the week.

Leadsleap Affiliate Commissions: 25-50%

You can earn Leadsleap affiliate commissions from 25-50% depending on your Leadsleap pro or free membership.

You are paid the commission if you direct a referral (Level 1) to upgrade their account to a Pro Membership. These are recurring commissions (as your referral remains a Pro member).

Leadsleap lets you write Social Reviews

You can write a blog post about any program you enjoy and include an affiliate URL. Then, if someone clicks that link after reading the review, you can refer him to that program. The message is the underlying core of any campaign.

LeadsLeap also has an online business blog where you can get lots of helpful tips to help you improve the effectiveness of your Internet strategy for marketing.
I enjoy the way it's written with precise information, and there are no claims of making thousands in only a few hours.

The icing is that you can include your link each time you reference the LeadsLeap blog article.

Leadsleap price

Below is a comparison of the Free leadsleap membership vs pro.

comparison of the Free leadsleap membership vs pro.

One of the most powerful advantages of a Pro membership is the ability to create up to 10 advertisements a day via the LeadsLeap network. 

That means you'll get the ability to run 100% of your traffic on autopilot. Another benefit is that you can build an endless funnel. 
Additionally, you will get a 50% monthly commission on referrals.

Get a Free Leadsleap Account Now!

LeadsLeap Pro Membership – Leadsleap Online Income System

We offer a Leadsleap Pro Membership, and I will share the Leadsleap pricing here now but remember you may use the free option. Leadsleap Pro Members can have their ads shown in the network 24/7 without credits.

Leadsleap Pro Members also have unlimited lists, pages, and popups, and access to several other advanced features not mentioned here. You can check it out in the Member Area.

Like many websites, LeadsLeap also has a paid membership for upgraded people. For just $27 per month, you'll have your ads running all day on the LeadsLeap website (member area blog, emails, and member area out to LeadsLeap members) without the need for credits.

Your ads will receive more visibility, resulting in many more clicks without lifting one finger!

My Final Thought On LeadsLeap

Personally, I love this platform it has become my powerhouse where I build funnels and contact with my email subscribers.

In conclusion, LeadsLeap offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for marketers and business owners looking to increase their online presence and generate leads.

The platform's Ad Co-op and Traffic Exchange features are particularly noteworthy, as they allow users to benefit from shared advertising resources and drive traffic to their websites. Additionally, LeadsLeap's tracking and analytics tools provide valuable insights into campaign performance and allow users to optimize their marketing efforts.

While LeadsLeap may not be suitable for everyone, it is certainly worth considering as a marketing tool, particularly for those on a budget or just starting out in the online space. The platform offers a free membership option with limited features, as well as a paid membership option with additional benefits. Overall, LeadsLeap is a reputable platform that has been around for over a decade, and its longevity is a testament to its usefulness and value to its users.

LeadsLeap gives you a distinctive lead generation method and excellent tools with up-to-date, valuable details.
All this at absolutely no cost! If it were my job, I'd be signing up now!
You ought to consider this method not only because it's free but because it's efficient.

I have built this website called Viral Frenzy for my personal team you may want to take a closer look at it.

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Is LeadsLeap.com legit?

LeadsLeap is a website that provides data and tools to help marketers get leads.
LeadsLeap has been around for a while now, so you might wonder if it's legit.
If you're asking this question, you should read on as we review LeadsLeap in detail, from its various features to how it works and how you can benefit from using the service.
We'll give you an overview of the service, what it does, and what others have to say about LeadsLeap before sharing our opinion on whether or not the service is legit.

What is LeadsLeap.com?

Leadsleap.com is a marketing tool for everything you need to market online. They give you an autoresponder, page builder, link tracker, plus much more. And the best part is it's free.

Is Leadsleap free?

Yes, it is free forever, but they also provide pro membership, and all the tools are free.

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Meet Anders Dakin

Anders Dakin is the main writer of the blog Freedom Dad. I have good marketing knowledge and, write on subjects like Seo, Crypto, and other healthy living. Learn more about Anders Dakin, and why he decided to start the Freedomdad blog. If you want to send Anders a quick message, then visit his contact page here.

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